Hey everybody! The Black Sheep Network has me & Silver Sun Crush from my EP in the running for # 1 this week. Please take a second & go VOTE , no registration required. https://www.poll-maker.com/poll1865319xe8B74000-50 #SilverSunCrush #ChrisStephen
Author: admin
I Could Use Your Help
Hey everybody! I’m in the running for an IMA Nomination this year… WOW, I’m humbled. But, the more fan response and votes I can get, the quicker the judging panel looks at my entry and, probably gives it more weight too. So, I’m asking you to take a couple of minutes, go to my IMA Fan Page, listen, vote and please SHARE!! Thanks!
IMA – Independent Music Awards Interview
Just sharing the interview from my IMA Award Nomination
Artist/Band Name: Chris Stephen
Home Base: Knoxville, TN USA
Genres: Country / Country Rock
Categories Entered: Country
Title of Work Submitted: More Than I Deserve
Label: Old Joe Music & Entertainment Inc
Producer: Smith Curry
Artists Featured: Chris Stephen
Instruments Featured: Steel Guitar
Q: What’s the story behind your band name?:
A: Just a mix of my first and middle names
Q: Describe your sound:
A: A mix of Chris Young, Zach Brown, Josh Turner & Trace Atkins with a little influence of Johnny Cash thrown in for good measure.
Q: Who’s sitting in your audience?:
A: Wow, that’s a tough one. I’d like to think and, from sales and response, everyone from teenage girls to grand mothers. Of course guys like my music too, its real. But, you’re not going to find much along the line of the pop or hip-hop Country style in it.
Q: What’s your favorite press quote about your music?:
A: From a professional or industry perspective, I’d have to say when Dwight Whitley (Keith Whitley’s brother) told my manager: “That boy can SING! I like that deep voice, he reminds me of Trace Adkins. He’s got big future ahead of him.” From a fan perspective it’d be when Ashley Cure, a fan & follower on Twitter said “More Than I Deserve is amazing!!! Thank you, I love it! Perfect country song!!!!” When a fan says that, you know the song moved them in some fashion. Isn’t that what music is all about?
Q: The song or songs that changed your life and why:
A: Probably Almost Home by Craig Morgan, and Movement IX of Pictures For an Exhibition “La Grande Porte de Kiev” by Modest Mussorgsky. Because they both taught me how well music can, if done right, convey such raw powerful emotion.
Q: Describe the first time you walked onstage:
A: The first time I went up in stage was actually in front of the least welcoming crowd I’ve ever played for. I got up there and started doing my thing and not a single one of them cared. So I just sat up there and played for me because I was about the only person in there enjoying my music. Instead of letting it get to me, I just realized that no matter who you are and what you do, there’s always gonna be people out there that don’t like you or your music. But you can’t let those people affect you, and you can’t cater to them because you’ll never please everybody. You just have to find the people that like what you do and whether there’s only one of them in the crowd or thousands of them, you just play your show just for them and don’t worry about the people who don’t like it. That’s their problem, not yours.
Q: Why did you submit to this year’s Independent Music Awards?:
A: More Than I Deserve was nominated for Modern Country Song of The Year in this year’s Josie Music Awards and I was nominated for Modern Country Male Artist of The Year, and Modern Country Male Vocalist of The Year. It’s a big deal and a big honor to me to get those nominations so early in my career. So, we were looking for other award venues to possibly win nominations to and IMA is like HUGE, so we definitely wanted in for the IMAs.
Q: If you win and/or get nominated, how will you use your IMA honor to further your career?:
A: It’s always a boost to an Artist to win any nomination. But, a big one like the IMAs will help me gain a lot more attention. We’re building more and more each year and branching out. I’m still in college. Our plan is to have me at a point when I graduate from U.T. my career and fan-base will be big enough to make a living from my music. Whether that means still being an Indie Artist or signing a deal with a big label, who knows? But,I’ll be happy making music in either case.
Q: Who is your musical hero & what would you like to learn from them?:
A; My biggest musical hero would have to be Josh Turner. I have always admired the way that he stays true to himself. He has never given in and sang about things that don’t line up with his values even when he sees how much money and fame people are getting from singing about those same things.
Q: Where can fans follow you/purchase your music?:
A; Probably the easiest is to go to my website at ChrisStephenCountry.com. All the links to my social media are there and be sure to sign up on my mailing list. But, they can follow me on Twitter @ChrisStephen_ On Facebook at Facebook.com/ChrisStephenMusic, Instagram at ChrisStephen_Music, they can also follow my ReverbNation page. My music is also available for purchase on the website, as well as on iTunes, Amazon, Googleplay and CD Baby. I’m also on a bunch of internet radio sites, Iheart Radio, Pandora Plus, Spotify and SoundCloud
Interview Week !!
Two Radio Interviews this week! One Wednesday with Casey Parker, host of Wall 2 Wall Country on Penn’s Peak Radio – http://pennspeakradio.com/ and then another one of Friday with Ally on Ally’s Attic out of Canada – http://www.allysattic.ca/ on Friday. Be sure and check them out !!!
Song of The Year!
Wow!! I received the notification tonight that my song “More Than I Deserve” from my Chris Stephen EP was nominated by The Josie Music Awards for “Modern Country – Song of The Year” !! I’m feeling so thankful and blessed.
Artist & Vocalist of The Year !
Wow! I am so honored to receive notification last night that I have been officially nominated as “Modern Country – Male Artist of The Year” and “Modern Country – Male Vocalist of The Year” by The Josie Music Awards!!
I truly can’t put into words how much this means to me. I appreciate all my fans’ support and thank the selection committee at The Josie Music Awards for this nomination!
Selected For 2 Weeks of Featured Artist!
Notified of selection as International Crowd Favorite with my song More Than I Deserve and will be a Reverbnation Featured Artist the week of Dec 12, 2017.
Notified of selection as an International Crowd Favorite with my song Never Seen Nothing Like This and will be a Reverbnation Featured Artist the week of Dec 26, 2017.
Staff Pick Favorite
Chris Stephen and Country Side from Chris Stephen EP Named as Staff Pick Favorite for week of April 24, 2017
Love That EP !
Damn!!! That Chris Stephen is AWESOME!!! I love that EP!!!
Norman, Station Engineer – WLIL Country 730AM/102.7 FM
Mainstream Radio
Chris album is wonderful. He needs to be on mainstream Country Radio. He has traditional elements but, is a modern dude with clarity in both voice and stories
Roger Harb VP Marketing/Underwriting WDVX 89.9/102.9 FM